Halloween snacks: original recipes

What to cook for Halloween? If you are concerned about this question, then you can breathe out - we found great recipes for you that will help you prepare original Halloween snacks.

Halloween snacks, of course, should be intimidating. But you need to scare not the quality of the products, but the appearance of the dishes.

What Halloween snacks can I make? We have already told you how to cook the witch's fingers, and now we offer you to do other attributes of this mysterious holiday.

Witch Broom


salty sticks
hard cheese or cheese for sandwiches,
green onions.


Slice the cheese into thin squares. On one side, make cuts, but do not cut to the end.
Roll the cheese onto the straw.
Tie the cheese with green onions.

Scary sandwiches


200-300 g of minced meat,
4 slices of hard cheese
4-6 pcs. olives
spices, salt - to taste,
2 tbsp ketchup
4 slices of bread.


Dry two slices of bread until golden brown on one side.
Lubricate the fried side with ketchup, carefully lay out the cheese sliced ​​into thin strips. He will fulfill the role of bandages.
Cut the eyes out of the olives and place the slices at the top.
Fry the bread so that the cheese melts.
The other two slices of bread are fried on both sides.
Prepare meatballs: for this mix minced meat, eggs, spices and salt. Sauté minced meat from two sides.
Put the patties on the cheese, and place the slices of cheese carved in the shape of a pumpkin on top.